Terms and Conditions
Last updated: August 14, 2024
Details of the seller
I am Sara Ryachi, please contact us via email: contact@enjoyparentinglife.com
Information and training services
Through this web commercialized and sell services and training related to parental coaching and positive psychology
The services offered are workshops, one-to-one coaching and training in Events.
The trainings and coaching will be conducted in person or online.
I reserve the right to refuse admission to people who, in my opinion, do not have the conditions required to profit from the offered services.
The particular characteristics of each service or training will be reported in the description of each one of them.
Intellectual property
All the contents of my courses and my web publications, posts, pages, text, videos, tutorials, podcasts, images, graphics, computer graphics, etc are subject to copyright and intellectual property, of which I am the owner. In no case shall thet be transmitted or given away without my prior express written consent.
Specifically, the content of the training courses may not reproduced, sold, distributed or used for commercial or non commercial purposes.
The participant grants to Enjoy Parenting Life the right to reproduce, exhibit, distribute, broadcast, digitize, edit, or otherwise use the Material, by any method and in any media, whether now existing or later created, without restriction throughout the world, by incorporating the Material into its website, publications, catalogue, brochures, books, magazines, or commercial, informational, educational, advertising, or promotional materials relating thereto (collectively, the “Works’).
The Participant agrees that Enjoy Parenting Life, is and shall be the exclusive owner of all right, title, and interest, including copyright, in the Material and the Works and further grants to Enjoy Parenting Life an irrevocable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use its personal profile, in connection with the Material and the Works.
The participant grants to Enjoy Parenting Life, the unrestricted right and permission to copyright and use photographic portraits, pictures, video footage and/or audio recordings of the participation in the workshops and classes, in which may be included intact or in part, including the negatives, prints, transparencies or digital information relevant to such portraits (the “Material”).
Price and taxes
They are marked in each case, expressed in dollars ($) and include VAT applicable in Qatar as appropriate.
For issuing invoices, please submit your tax information to my contact email to send it.
Payments will be made through Paypal’s.
The services shall be paid at the beginning of the service.
Training payment is required at the time of purchase or reservation.
Once payment is confirmed, I will send the confirmation within 24 hours.
Services are performed as agreed with the customer before the order.
The training will begin as scheduled.
Returns and cancellation policy
For Services: In case of withdrawal before the service starts money will be refunded. In case of withdrawal during the course of the same, only the services not consumed will be returned. For training: if the participant cancels his participation in the course with 7 days’ notice before its beginning the amount paid will be refund. The student may not assign your place to another person. If training is canceled on my part, I will refund the amounts paid to the participant within 48 hours after the cancellation occurs.
Once submitted the student course information, no refunds will be made.
Data protection
The data that I will ask you to be indispensable for the performance of services or delivery of courses in each case.
I inform you that your data will also be added to a mailing list, in order to send information and promotions of interest by virtue of the services or training you have acquired. If you do not want to receive this information and want to delete your data, you only have to unsubscribe from this mailing list via the link “Unsubscribe”. In addition, you can also send an email with the “Unsubscribe” concept to my contact address contact@enjoyparentinglife.com
We are committed to protecting your privacy and providing a secure website environment. We do not collect any personal information about you when you visit our website unless you specifically and knowingly choose to provide such information to us. Any personal information which you volunteer will be treated with the highest standards of security and confidentiality.
We will not use the personal information you provide for business use. Personal information will not be forwarded to third parties or for monetary gains unless the Enjoyparentiglife is required by law or that entity is relevant to your inquiry.
Cookie Policy
This site uses cookies belonging to a third party with analytic functions.
The seller will not be responsible for damages and losses suffered by the client that are due to “force majeure” or for causes that are beyond its control.
In any case, both parties admit that the seller’s liability for any damage or loss for which it may be responsible, will be limited to a maximum amount corresponding to the services contracted by the customer.
Amendment of the conditions of sale
These conditions may be modified at any time, in response to legal changes or changes in this website and the services offered there. In this case, users of such modifications shall be informed.
Acceptance of the terms of sale
The hiring of any service or workshops offered on this website implies the knowledge and acceptance of the legal conditions Conditions of Sale and legally notice of this website.
If you have any questions regarding these terms of sale, I would appreciate it if you contact me at contact@enjoyparentinglife.com